soulfully present
from before birth until after death.
For awakened souls who strive for wholeness, harmony and authenticity, for themselves, their children, in partnership, family and in their vocation.
Your true self is magnificent.

You have come to the right place if ..
you are going through a challenging time.
you are looking for clarity and direction in your life.
you want to consciously become parents.
you need support and healing for your child.
you long for harmony in your family.
you have lost a loved one or wish to accompany him/her on its soul's journey.
you want to develop further in your vocation.
whereby I support you
My services

Pregnancy & Birth
Conscious preparation and energetic healing around pregnancy and birth. Soul communication. For a gentle and complete arrival.

Healing & Transformation
for adults, babys and children. Energetic and spiritual healing. Self-development. Family harmonisation and mentoring.

Dying, Death & Grief
Energetic soul focused support around dying and grief. Sacred death care and soul communication. For a gentle and complete transition.

Mentoring, Supervision & Training
Individual and customised.
Expand your current field of activity by including energetic and spiritual aspects. Integrate your own, still dormant, psychic and intuitive gifts into your profession.

about me
My name is Rebekka Gabriela. With my many years of therapeutic experience and the ability to read information from the “subtle” fields, I will guide you in an inspiring, transformative way out of the dilemma of your limiting matrix to your true self. “Being soulfully present” means becoming aware of your uniqueness and developing the ability to master your life authentically, powerfully and confidently in any given moment. Looking forward journeying with you.

14 years
of experience in vocal sound-healing, body and psycho-energetic healing, distant healing and coaching in self-development.
3 languages
English, German and French
+ 130 babys
supported in their soul's incarnation and their parents to establish a safe and loving "nest".
Author of
In German
Die Babyseele spricht
In French
Dialoguer avec l’âme du bébé
English version in preparation
Dialogue with the baby’s soul
How the mediumnistic contact with your unborn child leads to a fulfilling birth.
Der souveräne
only in German
Sovereign Being : Basic knowledge about the laws of life and how you can contribute to shape the world of tomorrow responsibly and wisely.
Co-Autor Kurt Specht
in Liebe
Transition in Love : How we can accompany the soul of the dying beyond death and face ourself the inevitable with confidence.
Expected publication of German edition: spring 2025