Children’s souls chaperonage

into life – throughout childhood – into another world

Distant sessions for children & mentoring for parents

Children are sensitive and vulnerable beings who need special protection. Their souls are only just entering the world, so to speak. Their bodies are in full development and are shaped by everything that happens around them and to them.

Through the children’s soul chaperonage, its distant healing sessions and soul communication, the child’s soul is given a voice, whether before birth, during childhood or in case of a journey back to the spiritual world. It is heard in its needs and reminded of its own divine strength.

So gentle, delicate and small, 
at once wonderful, splendide and tall,

Heard in your complete wholeness,
you’ll grow and shine in brightness.


This service includes a preliminary talk by phone or zoom with the mother / the parents, the distant energetic session(s) and the mediumistic communication with the child, a recapitulative report of the session(s) via mail, as well as a deepening consulting and final discussion, or if wished a longer chaperonage of the whole family.

When a baby is announcing

into life

A soul on its way to earth, as well the unborn, senses and experiences more than we can imagine. She perceives not only her mother’s moods, but is also influenced by her parents living situation and by the memories and heritages of their ancestors. Especially the so called ‘new children’ have a hard time to pave her way through the energetically denser layers of the earth. In addition each soul carries her own package of history and experiences.

Soul communication

The child’s soul communicates telepathically with her future mother (and father) through intuition, during dreams and extended states of consciousness. If she’s unheard, she has no other way to attract attention to her needs as speaking through her mother’s body (i.d. pregnancy discomfort or a wrong-headed position in the womb). The earlier the parents make contact with the child’s soul and step upward into her direction, the easier her arrival on earth will be.

Clarifying the cause of an unrealized pregnancy, unveiling the source of problems during pregnangy or creating consciously this significant time together with the child’s soul, I gladly support you on your unique journey.

Kinder Geburt, enfants incarnation naissance

Conscious conception &
pregnancy support

Birth blessing

Energetic birth support &
postnatal care

When a child’s soul calls for healing

throughout childhood

How does my child really feel ? What is going on in her/his depth ? What is hidden behind her/his ‘excessively’ or ‘peculiar’ behaviour (crying, rage, sleeping problems, secrecy, seclusion, etc.) ? Where is this coming from ? How is my child handling a possible disease ? What is its meaning ? To what wants my child attracting my attention ?

In the daily hustle and bustle, and behind their own veils of old wounds and hurting experiences, it is often not easy for parents to get to the true core of the problem. They are so intertwined with their child and their own past, that they are not free and centered enough to support her/him right from the heart.

Distant sessions for children

With pleasure I accompany you and your child – from newborn to young teenager. I look into the depth of his body, soul and actual situation of life. Hereby I release energetic blocages and resistances in the child, and if necessary for his well-being as well in parents and siblings (only with parental permission). I look into family entanglement and repeating patterns and behaviour from the ancestral lines. I unveil soul wounds from its incarnation process and if required even before that. For offering your child the best possible development, an energetic cleansing and reharmonisation of his living space follows.

Thereby new forces are set free in your child. The selfhealing and selfregulation mechanism of the body are stimulated. The soul gets back the space, which is suitable to her real size of light. You, as parents, receive important hints about how to support even better your child through the actual phase he is going through.

when a child is dying

into another world

Healing doesn’t always mean to live and the recovery of the physical body. Healing happens on deeper levels and in other dimensions. It takes place, where the soul finds salvation and oneness with her self. Sometimes this means, leaving the physical body behind and going on.

Loosing a child, may it be during pregnancy or later in childhood, is one of the most challenging experiences for parents at all.

How will this passage happen for my child ? Will he be in pain ? Will he be able to letting go ? Am I capable to let him leave ? Is there something he still wants to tell me ? Will he reach ‘heaven’ safely ?

Time stands still. Thoughts run wild. Emotions ride on rollercoaster.

Death, as it is birth, is an important process of transformation, which contains a huge potential for healing and soul-growth. Not just for the child himself, but also for his parents. The smoother and more respectfull we set up this sacred and unique passage, the lighter and easier the future soul path’s spreads out.

Children’s death care

I am with you and your child in the situation of miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, in “sickness” and after accidents, or whatever the case be, why your child is crossing over into another dimension.

The chaperonage on the way towards dying assists the soul to detach from the physical and facilitates the child to leave. Inner and outer resistances are revealed and set free for transformation. The communication with the soul, as well the intuitive sounds and the benefical vibrations offer a dignified and light passage. Healing occurs for you and the child.

Kinder sterben, enfants décès

You are wholeheartedly loved.
Be free !

Stretch heavenwards
and fly in love
into your new beingness.