Family harmonization

for a respectful and enriching togetherness

Not feeling well at home? Living in a tense mood? Are you sleeping badly or is your child having trouble falling asleep? Are you or the children constantly ill, upset or quarrelling? You sense that something is wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it.

Are there tensions in your relationship as a couple and parents?  Do you have no longer access to your child? Is the family unit shaky? – You wish to feel well and secure again and want to offer your child a sheltered home.

individually, all together, collectively

family, a system in its own

A family is a complex, interwoven oeuvre. In some way all members are interlinked and influence each other. This can have a destructive or enriching effect. Everyone’s individual history and daily experiences flow into family life. Not only the current composition of the family is decisive, but also the imprints of the parents, ancestral patterns and “previous” experiences of each soul, as well as the place of residence itself.

A family harmonization reveals precisely these intertwined energies. As everyone is involved in the process, the blockages in the family system can be resolved holistically. All family members benefit from this and can further develop harmoniously. A new family dynamic arises organically.

What is it about?

Family harmonization

Family harmonization is about deep empathic listening into the subtle family space. Outdated structures, patterns and memories that burden the family on an invisible and unconscious level are energetically cleansed. What is stuck, what has been swept under the carpet or what could neither be heard nor expressed is brought to light. If necessary, a vibrational adaptation of the living space (house, apartment) is included.

Listening to your family and home in this subtle mediumistic way opens doors for mutual understanding, growth and healing. Everyone is given the opportunity to take their true place and role in the family constellation. Relationships with each other improve and everyone can develop for their own best.

Familien-Harmonisierung Resultate, harmonisation familiale

The benefits of a family harmonization

Possible results

better communication

calmer, more relaxed atmosphere

more ease and satisfaction

improvement of health

answers to longstanding questions

new opportunities for development

clarity about decisions that need to be made


How proceeds a family harmonization?


After an initial meeting per phone or zoom, I will send to you a questionnaire which will give me some basic information about your family and your current situation. As soon as I have received this back, I intuitionally tune in into your family and wait for the best possible date for the harmonization, which usually takes place in the following 2 to 10 days. As soon as I get a “go” from the Universe, I enter into mediumistic contact with your family and home. Once the distant session is complete, you will be informed immediately by text message. Then I will send you a written report by email and/or we will meet by phone or zoom to put the received information, like pieces of the puzzle, into a meaningful context and to find out what the next steps for your family are.

How much does a family harmonization cost?


First family harmonization

preliminary talk

systemic family constellation
and energetic harmonization

verification of
each family member

written report and
explanatory final talk

140 bis 180 CHF/€
+ relationship and family analysis

based on the 9KI
of the Feng Shui

report and explanatory talk

price depends on family size

40 bis 60 CHF/€
+ further family support

distant healing for children and parents

mentoring and consulting for parents

single session or
special rates for longer support (--> see prices)

120 CHF/€ per h